[Wellesley College Botanic Garden greenhouse; 3/8/2014]
Feeling a bit like an old crank myself this morning. Tired, my joints rusty and hard to get moving. Snow is falling outside, with a wind chill of 5°F (-15C). I gingerly navigated the icy steps and walkway to put the trash out this morning; it felt like the frozen tundra, even though the snowbanks are finally shrinking with recent sun and above freezing temperatures. Some days have been well above freezing -- on Saturday it reached the mid-50s. D and I made the most of the day and took a ride out to visit the greenhouses at the Wellesley College Botanic Gardens, which housed some lovely spring blooms.
[Tulips, daffodils and hyacinth in the greenhouse]
While we are enjoying longer days, winter clings, its icy fingers lingering even as shoots of early bloomers inch their way through the topsoil in some of the warmer spots. This freezing weather can only last so long, we tell ourselves over and over again on frigid days like today. We've seen the melt, felt the warmth break through, breaking apart winter's lock.
[Outdoors at the Wellesley Botanic Gardens]
As for me, I'm still trying to get the old crank turning again. It was hard to get any exercise this winter with the long days of work and icy walkways. Inertia usually won. I got myself to a local gym on Tuesday, but only for a tour and to use my discount coupon before it ran out. One month's guest pass. Now to get myself there for actual use of the facilities or classes. It was nice big place, all ages and not all hard bodies. They have yoga classes and water aerobics, eliptical machines to move the muscles including the heart without pounding the joints. One turn of the crank at a time...
Here are more photos from the Wellesley College Botanic Gardens greenhouses.
I love the old crank - so symbolic of how many of us feel after a long hard winter. Hope it warms up for you soon - those tulips are beautiful, like an Old Master!
Posted by: Relatively Retiring | Sunday, March 16, 2014 at 02:44 PM
Thanks, RR. My landlady spotted tulip shoots in the front yard last week. But they're wisely taking their time, waiting for warmer weather.
Posted by: Leslee | Monday, March 17, 2014 at 07:36 AM
love the shots of the tulips and can hardly wait to greet ours. we are so ready to welcome warmer weather and sunshine. my body cannot take much more rain without a total revolt, but your winter makes ours look like a vacation in the tropics!
Posted by: Sky | Tuesday, March 18, 2014 at 07:14 AM
Thanks, Sky! Hope it clears up for you out there soon.
Posted by: Leslee | Friday, March 21, 2014 at 07:28 AM